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Resident Doctors Education & Professional Education

Education for standardized training of residents and fellows

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  Since 1998, the Hospital has been one of the first trial medical institutions for standardized training of residents (hereinafter referred to as “resident training”) by the Ministry of Health. To date, it has trained more than 3,700 people for 23 years.

  In 2004, as one of the first trial hospitals in Shandong province, the Hospital started residency training for social residents and trained more than 400 people. In 2006, 13 general specialties and 24 sub-specialties obtained the qualification of training base for special physician of the Ministry of Health.

  In 2014, the Hospital became one of the first national standardized training bases for residents, which has 31 professional bases. In 2017, it was approved to be one of the first national trial bases of standardized training system for specialist doctors.

  In 2020, the resident training bases for pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology was selected as one of the first national key professional bases. Since 2017, the Hospital has won many national honorary titles such as Excellent Training Base for Residents, Excellent Professional Base, Qualified Teaching Base for Residents.

  The Hospital currently has been training 1,428 residents and 88 specialist physicians. It adopts the teaching from two tutors . There are currently 850 tutors for training residents and 522 tutors, including 69 doctoral tutors and 280 master tutors.

  We have completed 30 training sessions for residents in 9 specialties for 5 consecutive years. More than 3,300 teachers for residents has been trained in Shandong province. As one of the first assessment bases, the Hospital undertaken assessment for resident training in nearly 20 specialties for 5 years in a row.

  The pass rate of the assessment in resident training has increased to 98.07% over the years, and that of resident training has registered 100% in the program of construction aid to Xinjiang for 3 consecutive years. In 2019, the annual testing results of resident training ranked 42nd among the top 100 national training bases and first in Shandong.

  Thanks to unremitting efforts over years, we have gradually established the scientific assessment, training system and management model for standardized training. In addition, we are committed to connotation building and quality improvement. We stand ready to make positive contributions to the medical training, a strong Shandong through science and education, a healthy Shandong, and protection for people’s health.
